
5 Things You Need To Know About Data Breach Claims

What are the 5 things you need to know about data breach claims if you need to make one? If your personal information was compromised due to a company’s security failings, what are your options for seeking adequate compensation? With more than 2,400 data security incidents reported across various industries during Q2 2021/2022, the security of our personal information is a serious issue.

things you need to know about data breach claims
Things you need to know about data breach claims

In this article, we look at things you need to know about data breach claims and how to put together a successful claim for compensation. If you were harmed financially or mentally by a data breach, get in touch with our advisors for help on what to do next:

  • Call us on the number above
  • Contact us via our website
  • Or use the ‘live support’ option to the bottom right for instant help


    1. Data Breaches Caused By Human Error
    2. Data Breaches Can Cause Significant Financial Harm
    3. It’s Possible To Claim Compensation For Psychological Damage
    4. You Might Have Just 1 Year To Make A Data Breach Claim
    5. The Biggest Fine For A Data Breach In The UK Is £20m
    6. Get Free Legal Advice On Data Breach Claims

Data Breaches Caused By Human Error

A data breach is the loss, destruction, disclosure, access or alteration of your personal information without your consent or a lawful reason. Personal data or personal information is anything that can help identify you, such as your email address or bank details.

Data breaches can be accidental or deliberate. For example, a cybercriminal might deliberately access and sell your personal data. However, an employee of a company may accidentally send an email containing your personal information to an unauthorised recipient. This would be a human error data breach.

As a data subject (someone whose personal information is collected, stored or processed), you may first become aware of a data breach when it’s too late.

Money may go missing from your bank account or you may experience a sudden increase in spam or nuisance calls. The data breach issues could reach into every area of your life.

If our personal information gets into the wrong hands, it can be traded online. With the right kinds of personal information, criminals can open bogus lines of credit, steal money from accounts and even assume someone’s identity. Because of this, organisations entrusted with our personal details must safeguard them properly.

A serious data breach can absolutely devastate the life of the person it affects. To help secure personal data, the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect and the Data Protection Act 2018 was amended. They give clear and precise guidance about the legal expectations around personal data handling.

Common problems

Despite the recommendation to properly train staff involved in personal data security, human error still accounts for a considerable amount of reported data breaches. In the data security incidents report for Quarter 2 of 2021/22, examples of data incidents that could include those potentially caused by human error are:

  • Data emailed to the wrong person (397 reported cases)
  • Information posted or faxed to the wrong person (192)
  • Failure to redact data properly (102)
  • Loss or theft of paperwork or personal information left in an unsecured location (164)

Advice on how companies can safeguard against issues like this is clearly explained by an independent body called the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Responsible for protecting personal data security rights, the ICO helps those that collect, hold or process personal information to implement the UK GDPR. The ICO also has the power to issue penalties such as multi-million-pound fines.

Data Breaches Can Cause Significant Financial Harm

One of the things you need to know about data breach claims is that you could claim for financial loss caused by the breach.

If you commence a claim for compensation because of data security breaches, a data breach lawyer can use evidence of financial losses incurred. Therefore, any cost directly associated with the breach could be eligible for inclusion. If the claim is successful, the defendant might have to repay a whole cross-section of financial outgoings caused by the breach, such as:

  • Any stolen money you weren’t able to recover
  • Costs for counselling or therapy
  • Child care arrangements

When a person with malicious intentions has your name, address, bank details or other personal information, it can be very difficult to assess the accurate extent of the damage. Although the ICO requires companies to report notifiable data breaches to them within 72-hours, this still allows hackers time to potentially exploit your data.

The impacts on you need to be properly and fully calculated. Compensation for a UK GDPR data breach involves showing all the bills, receipts, bank statements and invoices that demonstrate your financial losses caused by the breach.

It’s also important to note that you can only claim compensation if the organisation that was supposed to protect your personal data failed to do so through positive wrongful conduct. Therefore, you could be reimbursed if your financial losses were a consequence of the data breach they could have reasonably prevented.

It’s Possible To Claim Compensation For Psychological Damage

One of the most important things you need to know about data breach claims is that after the case Vidal-Hall and others v Google Inc [2015], data subjects can claim for mental harm caused by a data breach as well as financial loss. Before this case, you could only claim for psychological harm if you’d also suffered financially. Now you can claim for either or both.

This means, for psychological harm caused by the data breach, you could claim for conditions such as:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts

You would need a medical assessment to prove your claim of emotional anguish or mental harm. This can be arranged for you by a data breach solicitor. The doctor can put their findings in a medico-legal report which (depending on the findings) can be accepted as evidence of:

  1. The severity of your injuries.
  2. Your injuries being caused or worsened by the data breach.

In addition to this, it can be cross-referenced with a publication called the Judicial College Guidelines to evaluate a potential compensation sum. With award brackets for psychological damage, you may be eligible for significant damages. The table below provides an excerpt:

It’s important to note that these amounts merely represent suggestions. The aim is to fairly and consistently apply an amount to acknowledge mental harm including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of amenity
  • Emotional suffering
  • Damage to relationships

The JCG aims to provide a consistent, fair and appropriate award suggestion, but each case will vary. For a more accurate compensation quote, get in touch with our advisors.

You Might Have Just 1 Year To Make A Data Breach Claim

Time limits are essential things you need to know about data breach claims because if you try to make a claim after the time limit has passed, you may find you’re unable to.

In some instances, the time limit may be 6 years. This can apply to personal data breach claims against private companies.

Regarding data breach claims against a public body, the time limit could be 1 year. This would be applicable for a data breach compensation claim against any publicly-funded organisation.

Speak to us about time limits and how data protection breach solicitors can enable you to construct an effective claim against a public body.

The Biggest Fine For A Data Breach In The UK Is £20m

In 2020, British Airways (BA) was fined £20 million for a data breach that affected over 400,000 customers. The ICO originally sought a fine of £183 million to reflect the magnitude of the breach after BA’s security systems were compromised by hackers.

BA was unaware of the attack for two months, resulting in a prolonged period of exposed personal data for affected customers.

Data stolen included payment card details, log-ins and travel booking details. In addition to this, the names and addresses of customers were exposed. The ICO investigation subsequently concluded that insufficient security measures were in place.


Get Free Advice On Data Breach Claims

Our aim in this article is to discuss the things you need to know about data breach claims. One thing you should know is the potential you could have to use the services of a solicitor under a No Win No Fee agreement.

A No Win No Fee compensation claim could help you regain some measure of control over your damaged finances. In view of this, it could also help you adequately address the emotional anguish a data breach can cause, too.

Under a No Win No Fee agreement, you wouldn’t pay any upfront or ongoing solicitor fees. You would pay your solicitor a ‘success fee’ if the claim is successful. However, if it’s not, you wouldn’t have to pay any solicitor fees at all.

If you have a question or query that we have not touched on, please don’t hesitate to reach out. With the skill and expertise to advise on No Win No Fee data breach solicitors in the UK, they could help you right now.

Why not access free legal advice today? Simply:

  • Call us on the number above
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  • Or use the ‘live support’ option to the bottom right for instant help

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5 Things You Need To Know About Slip, Trip and Fall Injuries

In this guide, we’ll provide you with some facts about slip, trip and fall injuries. This article will look at slip, trip and fall accidents at work, possible consequences and how you can get free legal advice. 

Slip, trip and fall injuries guide
Slip, trip and fall injuries guide

Slip, trip or fall accidents are among the most common types of accidents. They can occur in various places and be caused by a number of different factors.

If someone else has breached their duty of care towards you, leading to a slip trip or fall accident that has caused you injury, you could be able to claim compensation. This guide will go into more detail about what duty of care means and in what circumstances it may apply. 

For free legal advice or more information, get in touch with us today using our website. Otherwise, read on for more information about slip and fall injuries. 

5 Things You Need To Know About Slip, Trip And Fall Injuries

  1. Slips, Trips And Falls Are The Most Common Workplace Accident
  2. A Third Of All Slips, Trips And Falls At Work Lead To Serious Injuries
  3. Even Simple Slips, Trips And Falls Can Cause Fatalities
  4. Slips, Trips And Falls Are The Most Avoidable Accidents
  5. Slips, Trips And Falls Can Happen Anywhere
  6. Get Free Legal Advice If You’ve Been Injured After A Slip, Trip Or Fall

Slips, Trips And Falls Are The Most Common Workplace Accident

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is Britain’s regulator for health and safety at work, and they collect statistics on accidents in the workplace. According to their statistics, slips, trips or falls on the same level are the most common causes of non-fatal injuries at work, making up 29% of these accidents. 

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, employers have a duty of care to all employees. This means they must take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure their safety while in the workplace. You could claim compensation from your employer if this duty of care has been breached, leading to injury. 

Slip, trip and fall injuries at work can be caused in a variety of ways. One common cause could be poor housekeeping. For example, if a heavy toolbox was left in an often-used walkway, it could cause someone to trip over it. This might lead to that person suffering a broken hand or wrist as they attempt to break their fall. 

Another cause could be contamination. For example, if someone spills oil on the floor whilst working in a garage and does not clean it up in a reasonable amount of time, you could then slip on that spillage. This could cause injuries like soft tissue injuries, contusions and, in serious cases, broken bones. 

A Third Of All Slips, Trips And Falls At Work Lead To Serious Injuries

The HSE states that slips and trips cause over a third of all major injuries at work, and they are the most common cause overall of injury at work overall. They can also sometimes lead to other types of accidents, such as falls from height or injuries involving moving machinery. 

Taking a fall on the same level at work could cause all manner of serious injuries. You could suffer from a sprain or strain, bruising or broken or cracked teeth if your mouth hits the ground as you fall. Falling from a height could cause anything from breaks and fractures to potential brain damage. In some cases, these kinds of accidents can even be fatal.  

Some of these injuries can be life-changing, whereas others you will usually be able to recover from. Even if your slip, trip and fall injuries aren’t permanent, you may be able to claim if they have impacted your quality of life as you recover.

Even Simple Slips, Trips And Falls Can Cause Fatalities

You may assume that fatal accidents are usually ones involving moving machinery, workplace vehicles or dangerous substances, but this isn’t the case. Slips, trips and falls can also lead to fatal injuries, even when they’re relatively simple. 

The HSE outlines a case study from July 2021, in which a roofer and a scaffolder were sentenced after a construction worker fell to his death. In the case study, the workers fell 6 metres through a gap that a scaffold gate should have covered.

Neither the scaffolder nor the man who approved it on-site were found to have the appropriate health and safety training. An HSE inspector commented that the incident was ‘totally avoidable’ with inexpensive preventative measures.

Another HSE case study comes from February 2021, in which a roofer died after falling 6 metres when an asbestos roof gave way beneath him. The HSE conducted an investigation and discovered that nobody had fitted the safety nets. This constituted a breach of duty of care. 

Slip, trip and fall injuries should always be taken seriously. There is always the possibility that even if the injuries seem minor at first, they could lead to something more serious. 

Slips, Trips And Falls Are The Most Avoidable Accidents

Slips, trips and fall injuries can often be avoided if the right steps are taken to ensure the environment is safe. The HSE has created the hazard spotting checklist for the workplace, which employers can use to assess and prevent any slip and trip hazards. 

According to the HSE, walkways, housekeeping, design, and maintenance should all be kept to a reasonable standard to prevent accidents leading to slip, trip and fall injuries. If you’re an employer, you could ask:

  • Walkways – Are they suitable? Are they in the right place?  
  • Housekeeping – Are there obstructions? Is it clean? Are there enough bins etc.?
  • Design and Maintenance – Is the floor suitable and fitted correctly? Are walkways wide enough? Are stairs suitable? Is the lighting adequate?

This list is not exhaustive, and the things you’re expected to do to ensure safety might vary depending on the kind of workplace. There are many other factors you may need to consider when making the workplace safe. 

Slips, Trips And Falls Can Happen Anywhere

Slip, trip and fall injuries can occur anywhere. As we’ve already mentioned, they are frequent in the workplace. But they could also happen in public places or on private property. 

Those in control of public spaces (known as “occupiers”) have a duty of care towards members of the public who use the space for the intended purpose. This is outlined in the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957.

For example, suppose you visited your local gym, and there was a leak from the ceiling, which formed a puddle on the floor. You slip and fall on this puddle and injure yourself. In this case, you could claim against the occupier because they breached their duty of care towards you. 

Alternatively, you could be in a shop where the wrong cleaning solution was used to clean the floor. This could make it very slippery, causing you to slip and fracture your coccyx. In this case, you may be able to make a claim for compensation.

Get Free Legal Advice If You’ve Been Injured After A Slip, Trip Or Fall

If you’ve been injured in an accident caused by negligence,  you could make a valid claim for your slip trip and fall injuries. Our team of advisors can offer free legal advice and may even connect you with a solicitor from our panel. 

If a solicitor takes on your claim, they could offer you a No Win No Fee agreement. This means that you will not be required to pay your solicitor any upfront or ongoing solicitor fees. You also won’t be asked to pay them anything if your claim is unsuccessful. 

However, if the claim does succeed, your solicitor will deduct a success fee from your compensation amount. This fee will be discussed beforehand with your solicitor. It is also legally capped, meaning you will always get the majority of the compensation you’re awarded. 

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Get in touch with us via our website today for more information on how we could help you claim for slip, trip and fall injuries caused by negligence. 

5 Things You Need To Know About Loss Of Earnings Compensation

Loss of earnings compensation can be hugely important when seeking damages in a personal injury claim. This guide will explain how to claim for loss of earnings. It will also show what else you may be able to claim for and answer questions like, “what does a loss of earnings mean?” 

loss of earnings compensation

Our advisors are available 24/7, offer free legal advice and can tell if you’re eligible to claim in just one phone call. Furthermore, they can connect you with a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel who could help you receive thousands of pounds in compensation. Contact us using the details below. 

  • Call us now using the phone number above
  • Contact us through our website
  • Write to us using the Live Chat window on your screen

Read on to learn more. 

5 Things You Need To Know About Loss Of Earnings Compensation

  1. Proof Of Loss Of Earnings Is Important
  2. You Can Claim For Future Loss Of Earnings As Well As Past Losses
  3. You Can Recover Any Lost Bonuses
  4. Loss Of Earnings Is Just One Part Of Special Damages
  5. You Can Recover Loss Of Earnings In No Win No Fee Claims
  6. Get Free Legal Advice On Loss Of Earnings Compensation Claims

Proof Of Loss Of Earnings Is Important 

Making a personal injury claim revolves around proving third-party negligence. Certain third parties have a duty of care to protect your safety. This is legally binding as their responsibilities are clarified in legislation they need to abide by.

A third party with a duty of care includes your employer, for example. Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 they should take reasonable measures to ensure your safety and wellbeing in the workplace. Therefore, if their actions breach this duty, resulting in your injury, you may be entitled to compensation. 

Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, those in control of places that are accessible to the public should ensure they’re safe to visit. (This can be applied to, for example, parks and supermarkets.)

A loss of earnings claim is specifically about claiming for the earnings you’ve lost due to the injury. For instance, you may be unable to work, meaning that you lose out on your wages. To potentially receive loss of earnings compensation, you need to be able to provide evidence. The financial evidence you could need includes:

  • Bank statements
  • Payslips
  • Receipts

Without this evidence, your personal injury solicitor won’t accurately calculate the compensation you could receive. 

You Can Claim For Future Loss Of Earnings As Well As Past Losses

It isn’t just your past loss of earnings that you may potentially be able to claim for. You could also claim for future losses if your injury is particularly serious. This is more for life-changing injuries that affect you for several years or permanently.

For example, if you’ve suffered an arm injury and you’re unable to continue working in your manual handling role, you may need to take a different job that pays less. If the injury wasn’t your fault, you could claim future loss of earnings compensation for the salary difference. 

Compensation under these circumstances would also accommodate for the potential loss of your pension or any other work-related payments. This is because compensation from a personal injury claim is designed to financially put you back in the position you would’ve been in had the injury not occurred. 

Working with No Win No Fee lawyers in the UK could help you do this. Their expertise in the field could result in you receiving compensation for many different types of losses, including loss of earnings compensation. Contact us using the details above at a time that suits you. 

You Can Recover Any Lost Bonuses

Compensation for loss of earnings also includes any lost bonuses that you’re now not entitled to due to the injury. 

For instance, you may have attendance bonuses that, due to you being unable to work or absent during your recovery, you would now not receive. This is where our panel of No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors can help. They can assess all of the financial damages caused by the injury to provide you with an accurate assessment of what you could receive. 

With evidence of losses, such as lost bonuses or missed pension contributions, you can make an accurate calculation of the compensation you could receive.  

Loss Of Earnings Is Just One Part Of Special Damages

Loss of earnings compensation is part of a head of claim called special damages. Special damages, effectively, is designed to cover the financial losses you’ve suffered due to the injury. Evidence is important in this, as if you’re unable to provide sufficient proof of these losses, you wouldn’t receive compensation. 

Other financial losses you could claim (if they’re caused by your injury) include:

  • Travel costs
  • Prescriptions/medical expenses
  • Costs of hiring a care nurse 
  • Alterations to your house if you suffered injuries that necessitated this. This could include, for example, a care bed. 

The other potential head of your personal injury claim is general damages. General damages relate to the physical and psychological damage caused by the injury. If your claim is successful, the amount provided depends on the extent and severity of your injury. Both general damages and special damages make up the total amount of compensation you could receive. 

However, please bear in mind that if you don’t receive compensation for general damages, you won’t receive any compensation for the claim. This is because, should you not receive general damages, it has been deemed that the third party in question was not liable for your injury. 

Concerning what you could receive for the injury, the Judicial College has built reliable compensation brackets from analysing previous payouts and comparing them to the extent of the injury. However, the compensation brackets provided by them are only an indicator of what you could receive for each injury respectively. 

You Can Recover Loss Of Earnings In No Win No Fee Claims

You could pursue loss of earnings compensation through a No Win No Fee agreement. Benefits of claiming through this method include:

  • Only paying your solicitor’s legal fees at the end of the claims process if the claim is successful. Therefore, they take a small percentage of your compensation (capped by law) to cover these costs.
  • Not paying legal fees if your claim isn’t successful. 
  • Not paying legal fees at any point before or during the claim. 

No Win No Fee agreements can make funding a solicitor’s services more affordable. This could also be formally referred to as a conditional fee agreement.  

Get Free Legal Advice On Loss Of Earnings Compensation Claims

If you want to claim loss of earnings in the UK, our advisors can tell you if you’re eligible to receive compensation in just a few minutes. If your injury is severe and particularly life-changing, claiming for loss of earnings compensation alone could be worth thousands of pounds. 

Our advisors are available whenever you are, offer free legal advice, and provide you with a reliable compensation estimate using information supplied by the Judicial College. They can also connect you to our panel of No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors who have years of personal injury claim experience. 

Use the contact details below to see if you can claim. If you have any more queries about loss of earnings compensation, please get in touch at a time that works for you. 

  • Call using the phone number above
  • Contact us through our website
  • Reach out using the Live Chat window on your screen.  

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5 Things You Need To Know About Workplace Accidents

workplace accidents
Workplace accidents guide

Have you been involved in any workplace accidents that weren’t your fault? Has it meant that you suffered injuries? Perhaps you are now worried about what to do now?

We will explain key things you need to know and also outline what you can do next. If you would like more specific information, why not:

  • Call us on the number at the top of this page?
  • Contact us directly through the website?

For more general information on workplace accident claims, read on.

5 Things You Need To Know About Workplace Accidents

  1. You Cannot Be Sacked For Making A Claim After An Accident At Work
  2. Over Half A Million People Get Injured At Work Each Year
  3. The Most Common Accident At Work Is A Slip, Trip and Fall
  4. The Construction Industry Sees The Most Fatalities Each Year
  5. Over A Million Workers Suffer From A Work-Related Illness
  6. Get Free Legal Advice If You’ve Been Injured In A Workplace Accident

You Cannot Be Sacked For Making A Claim After An Accident At Work

You may be worried about claiming if you have been involved in any workplace accidents. However, not only is firing an employee for making an honest personal injury claim unfair, it is against employee rights.

Being sacked for a sincere personal injury claim can be considered unfair dismissal. You have a right to start a truthful claim if you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault at work.

Unfair dismissal refers to firing someone for something that wouldn’t be considered fair. For example, if you have asked for flexible working, you have joined a union or applied for paternity/maternity leave, these are unfair reasons to dismiss someone. 

Constructive dismissal refers to events where you have no other choice but to leave your job. These reasons include:

  • Your wages aren’t being paid
  • Unreasonable changes to work, such as being given night shifts when your contract is for days
  • Your employer allowing or encouraging other employees to bully you

Remember that you have a legitimate right to claim if you have been injured at work and it wasn’t your fault. If you are unfairly dismissed, you could also start a separate unfair dismissal claim. 

Employers are also legally obligated to have some form of insurance in place in the event of personal injury claims linked to workplace accidents. This is outlined in the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969. Having insurance in place will not only protect a business from compensation costs but will also not discourage employees from making legitimate claims.

Over Half A Million People Get Injured At Work Each Year

According to statistics provided by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for the year 2019/20, 693,000 workers said they suffered workplace injuries in the Labour Force Survey. 

Employers have a duty of care to take appropriate measures to ensure your safety in the workplace. This is outlined in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA) as well as The Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations 1992.

Measures employers can take include providing adequate training to workers and well-ventilated, well-lit, and tidy spaces to work in.

Failure to live up to this duty of care could constitute a breach. What’s more, if a breach of this duty of care directly results in you being injured, you may be interested in starting a claim. 

Your employer is obligated to keep you reasonably safe at work. However, they are also obligated to report accidents, injuries, and near-misses. This is outlined in the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)

This is designed to identify any weaknesses in your workplace premises and assess if workplace accidents are likely to happen again. If so, any data collected can lead to ensuring they do not.  

The Most Common Accident At Work Is A Slip, Trip, and Fall

In terms of workplace accidents, the most common is a slip, trip, or fall accident. As stated by the HSE in their report “Non-fatal injuries at work in Great Britain”, 29% of those in 2019/20 were falls, slips and trips. In addition, this was the dominant injury type.

There are a number of ways this accident type can occur. For example, you may slip as a result of:

  • Improper wet floor sign use
  • Trailing wires
  • Improper footwear being provided: depending on the work you do, your employer may have an obligation to provide work boots

This could result in injuries to the back, pelvis, spine, head or elbow. If this happens to you at work, seek immediate medical attention. Not only is this important for your own health, having a record of injuries as soon as they happen may strengthen your claim. 

Workplace accidents may seem daunting but we can connect you to a panel of solicitors who are ready to help you. To find out more, get in touch with us today. 

The Construction Industry Sees The Most Fatalities Each Year

Working in the construction industry can carry a higher risk of workplace accidents. According to construction statistics in Great Britain as provided by HSE for 2019/20, there were 40 deaths in the construction industry. In addition to this, in 2020/21, there were 39 fatal injuries, outnumbering every other industry in Great Britain.

Those within some construction roles are also more likely to sustain certain illnesses compared with those in other industries. For instance, contact dermatitis is twice as common amongst some construction workers (such as bricklayers and plasterers) in comparison to other occupations. Those in construction are at a higher risk of occupational cancer. 

When claiming for workplace accidents, you can generally start a claim up to three years from the date of your injury. Alternatively, you could have 3 years from the date you gained knowledge that negligence at least contributed to your injuries.  

If you were under the age of 18 when you were injured and nobody claimed on your behalf, the 3-year time limit starts when you turn 18. If you are not an adult or you lack the mental capacity to claim, a litigation friend can be appointed to help you with your case. 

Should any workplace accidents have resulted in an injury that wasn’t your fault, speak to a personal injury solicitor to see if you may be entitled to compensation.

Over A Million Workers Suffer From A Work-Related Illness

We know that over half a million people sustained workplace accidents that led to an injury in 2019/20. However, according to the same HSE source, 1.6 million in Great Britain are living with a work-related injury or illness. 

There is an indication that these numbers keep increasing. One area that has seen a large increase in reports is mental health, specifically stress, anxiety, or depression. However, the HSE does not provide a reason as to why this is happening.

However, the relatively recent awareness of mental health, especially in men, could be attributed to mental illness being more widely recognised. Mental health first aid training is a relatively recent phenomenon, only being introduced in 2007 according to MHFA England.


Occupational respiratory diseases have also seen an increase, according to the HSE. This includes asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 

This article should not be interpreted as medical advice. If you are concerned that you have sustained an injury as a result of workplace accidents, speak to a doctor. 

Get Free Legal Advice If You’ve Been Injured In A Workplace Accident

If you have been injured in workplace accidents that were not your fault, you may be interested in getting in touch. Consequently, our panel of solicitors could help you get the best outcome possible for any claim related to workplace accidents.

Should you choose to use the services of a personal injury solicitor for a claim, you could be represented under a No Win No Fee agreement. This means that if your claim was unsuccessful, you would not have to pay the costs for your solicitor. However, if you are successful, you will pay a fee for success that is deducted from your compensation. This fee is a small percentage fee taken off the top of your compensation.

If you are interested in making a claim and think No Win No Fee might be right for you, why not get in touch? You can:

  • Call us on the number at the top of this page
  • Contact us directly through the website

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5 Things You Need To Know About Pedestrian Compensation Claims

In this guide, we will look at five things you should know about pedestrian compensation claims. In addition to this, we’ll explain what could justify a claim being made as well as the injuries that you could claim for. 

Pedestrian compensation claims
Pedestrian compensation claims

Our advisors are available 24/7, offer free legal advice and can tell you in just a few minutes if you’re eligible to claim. Our No Win No Fee lawyers in the UK specialise in these types of claims. Their expertise could result in you receiving thousands of pounds in compensation. Contact us using the details below. 

  • Call us using the above phone number. 
  • Contact us via our website. 
  • Use the Live Chat window on your screen. 

Read on to learn more about how much compensation for a pedestrian accident you could receive. 

5 Things You Need To Know About Pedestrian Compensation Claims

  1. Over 300 Pedestrians Were Killed In Road Traffic Accidents In 2020
  2. Men Are More Likely To Be Injured As Pedestrians Than Women
  3. People Between The Ages Of 10 and 19 Are More Likely To Be Injured
  4. Around 10,000 Pedestrians Are Injured On Roads Each Year
  5. The Vast Majority Of Pedestrian Accidents Happen On Urban Roads
  6. Get Free Legal Advice About Pedestrian Compensation Claims

Over 300 Pedestrians Were Killed In Road Traffic Accidents In 2020

You may be interested in finding out more about claiming for an injury you’ve experienced while using the road. The Department for Transport provides road traffic accident statistics for Great Britain, and this includes some statistics on accidents involving pedestrians.

In the latest statistics available for 2020, there were 346 reported pedestrian fatalities. There were also a further 14,750 reported pedestrian casualties on the road that may have led to serious, life-changing injuries. 

However, is that both of these figures are a decrease from the previous year. The reported fatalities are a 26% decrease from the previous year, while, for reported casualties, there was a 32% decrease. Any of these incidents could have led to pedestrian compensation claims if they were caused by the negligence of the third-party road user.   

If you weren’t at fault for your injury on the road, you might be able to make a personal injury claim for the effect it has had on you. A road traffic accident (RTA) could lead to permanent injuries or conditions that greatly impact your quality of life. 

Men Are More Likely To Be Injured As Pedestrians Than Women

The Department for Transport also provides facts regarding pedestrian casualties. The latest figures available were released in 2015. 

This data shows that, in 2013, 60% of pedestrians who were killed or seriously injured on the road were male, while 40% were female. Interestingly, the same data shows that women walk further than men, despite men being more likely to get injured. While these statistics don’t show negligence, and so cannot indicate how many of these instances could be grounds for pedestrian compensation claims, they do indicate how often these injuries happen and to whom.

We’ll look at some more groups that could be at increased risk of being injured as a pedestrian. Furthermore, we’ll also look at how you could potentially make a No Win No Fee compensation claim later on in this guide. 

People Between The Ages Of 10 and 19 Are More Likely To Be Injured

So, as we’re aware from the statistics in the previous section, you’re more likely be injured as a pedestrian on the road if you’re male. However, statistics also tell us about the age ranges of the people suffering these injuries. 

In 2013, 22% of the male pedestrians reported to have either died or been seriously injured on the road were from the age of 10 to 19. This is significant, partly because it is 7% higher than the second-highest age range in the data. If caused by negligence, these instances could lead to pedestrian compensation claims. 

As a younger person, a severe injury from an incident like this could affect you for the rest of your life. You may be left with a serious, continuous injury that stops you from being able to do the things you usually do. One reason this age range could suffer the most injuries maybe because children could run out into the road; furthermore, smaller children may be more difficult for drivers and riders to see. 

If you’re able to prove that the injury was caused by third party negligence, a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor from our panel could represent you in your claim. They could help you in getting the compensation you deserve. 

Around 10,000 Pedestrians Are Injured On Roads Each Year 

As previously stated, there were 14,750 reported pedestrian casualties on the road in Great Britain in 2020. Pedestrian accident statistics like this show how dangerous the road can be. Successful pedestrian compensation claims could have been made in any scenario where the injuries were caused by third-party negligence.

You may want to know more about how you could claim compensation from a legal standpoint. As with any personal injury claim, the success of these claims revolve around proving that a third party has breached their duty of care, causing injury. Certain third parties have a duty of care to one another. Every road user in the UK owes every other road user a duty of care, as outlined in the Highway Code

If a road user conducts themself in a way that goes against this, they could be considered negligent. If this negligence leads to you suffering an injury, you may be able to make a No Win No Fee compensation claim. 

Examples of incidents that involve a road user breaching their duty of care and could cause injuries include:

  • A car hitting you as you’re using a zebra crossing because the driver wasn;t paying attention to the road. 
  • A car swerving onto the pavement and knocking you over, resulting in you suffering an injury. 
  • You’re hit by a car as you cross the road because they didn’t have their headlight on in the dark.

In these instances, working with a personal injury solicitor from our panel could lead to you successfully receiving compensation. 

The Vast Majority Of Pedestrian Accidents Happen On Urban Roads

The statistics collected by The Department for Transport show that, in 2013, 83% of pedestrian casualties on the road occurred on urban roads. Whether the people injured will be able to make pedestrian compensation claims depends on the reason for the injury. 

Many factors could contribute to the number of pedestrian casualties caused on urban roads. For example, in urban areas, there is a greater population density. This means there are:

  • More people
  • More cars
  • Busier roads

Accidents leading to pedestrian compensation claims could be caused by:

  • Accidents on rural roads due to a lack of safe pavement
  • Narrower roads
  • A lack of street lights

The most important thing is proving that another road user’s negligence led to your injury. Evidence that could help with this includes photographs of the scene and your injury, CCTV footage and witness statements. 

Get Free Legal Advice About Pedestrian Compensation Claims

A road traffic accident can have a devastating impact on your quality of life. You might be able to receive compensation for pedestrian accident injuries if they were caused by third-party negligence. Please call our advisors at a time that works for you to see if you’re eligible to claim. They’re available 24/7, offer free legal advice and can also provide you with a reliable compensation estimate. 

They can also put you through to No Win No Fee lawyers who could help you receive compensation. A Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) or No Win No Fee agreement can make it less financially stressful to instruct a solicitor to act on your behalf. This is because you would only have to pay for your solicitor’s legal fees if your claim is successful. 

With years of experience working on pedestrian compensation claims, their expertise could play a vital role in making a successful claim.  

  • Call us using the above phone number. 
  • Contact us via our website. 
  • Please write to us using the Live Chat window on your screen. 

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